
UGC Ads AI- Video Ads

Instantly Create

Unlimited Ads

Test unlimited video ads with 500+ AI actors in seconds

Limited Time Free Trial!

How It Works

Yes, these are all 100% generated with our AI!

Trusted by
10,000 brands

Find the video ads that resonate most with your audience:



than human UGC ads



than human UGC ads


Higher ROI

than human UGC ads

500+ AI Actors

For every ethnicity, age, gender and scene, so you
can truly resonate with the right audience

Paste a product link, select a script, and hit render

Start Creating Your UGC Ads
in Minutes.

No hidden fees. Cancel anytime.

10 video ads/mo


500+ Natural Actors

<15 Min. Generation

Viral UGC Scripts

Aspect Ratios

29 Languages

Save 93%!

$10/UGC vs. $150
(avg. UGC creator price)

50 video ads/mo


500+ Natural Actors

<15 Min. Generation

Viral UGC Scripts

Aspect Ratios

29 Languages

Save 96%!

$5/UGC vs. $150
(avg. UGC creator price)


Unlimited ads, lifetime access, or a customized plan? Let’s talk!
Increase ROI by testing 100x more ads

(at a fraction of the cost!)

162% ROAs

412% ROAs

219% ROAs

Find the video ads that resonate most with
your audience with UGC ads that are:



than human UGC ads



than human UGC ads


Higher ROI

than human UGC ads

Customer Stories

See why over 10,000 brands use UGC Ads AI



Faster ad creation

“UGC Ads prioritizes efficiency by using avatars to precisely target the right audience and boost engagement.”

Kaelan Jon

Chief of Overseas Dropshipping Company



Saved per video

“Videos made with UGC Ads received more positive comments and sparked a stronger market reaction than influencer videos or image-based ads.”

Hardin Scott

Creator at Shapewear Company



ROAs increase

“Now 80% of our ads are created using UGC Ads, because they’re outperforming both real-person and stock footage ads!”

Lior Marian

Co-founder of Software Company

Your All-in-one
Ad Creation Tool

Ultra-Realistic Actors


Natural Voices

Editing Styles

Script Generation

Raw Ads
For your own edits

Ad Generation


Ad Sizes
For all socials

15 minute

Or upload media

Ads for anything

Our URL-to-video feature is compatible with:

And many other integrations.

Frequently asked questions

You can add product images, videos, and text descriptions. Or, you can use our URL feature to allow us to get your assets directly from the product/app link.

Simply go to Settings -> Account -> Cancel Plan. If you are on a free trial, you will not be charged.

Yes! You have 100% commercial rights to your AI-generated video ads across all platforms, even after your subscription expires!

UGC Ads AI supports 29 languages to cater to a global audience: English, Hindi, Portuguese, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Indonesian, Italian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Finnish, Malay, Croatian, Romanian, Swedish, Slovak, Ukrainian, Russian, Tamil, Tagalog, Turkish, Polish.

UGC Ads AI offers a 3-day money-back guarantee – as long as 5 credits or more are not consumed. If you experience issues 3 days after you were charged, we cannot refund you, but please email us at contact@ugcads.ai so we can assist you in solving your issues. 🙂

Every month your credits get reset to the plan you subscribed to. Ex: If you have 3 credits unused when your 50 credits/mo subscription renews, your credits will reset to 50, not 53.

Human-made UGC ads take days, sometimes weeks to get done, not to mention they cost hundreds of dollars per ad. With UGC Ads AI, the ads are ready in minutes, and only cost a few bucks an ad! With this, you are able to A/B test so many more ads at a fraction of the cost and time, finding winning ads and skyrocketing your campaign performances and most importantly – Your Profits!

The ads generated by UGC Ads AI are most useful for social media advertising, namely Google Ads, Facebook / Instagram Ads, and TikTok Ads, but they can be used and re-purposed for all advertising platforms!

You can currently modify the media, script, avatar, and ad settings of each ad before and after you generate.

Yes. Your subscription, along with the credits, automatically renews every billing period. Unused credits expire every month. Ex: if you are subscribed to the 50 credits / mo tier, your credit balance will be updated to 50 at the start of every billing period.

Don’t worry – you will keep your current credits when you upgrade to a higher tier. Upgrading simply adds more credits to your account.

They are AI Actors based on the image of real actors so you need to be careful with what you make them say. As a reminder, it’s forbidden to create harmful, violent, racist and sexual content with UGC Ads AI.

Signup for

10 free credits

By signing up you understand and agree with our

Generate 2 Free UGC Ads

Generate your high-performing AI ads with UGC Ads AI using our state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence.